September shows signs that the seasons are changing! The children go back to school, the days get shorter as the nights get longer, and the cooler nights hint that autumn and then winter are fast approaching. It's time to pull on the socks and root around for cooler weather gear.
The nine in this photo was taken from an old telephone I found at Value Village. It seems to me that VV is not quite the bargain it used to be. Either that or I need to start shopping in other neighbourhoods, because my local one seems to be getting fairly saavy about prices. The glass tube was also taken from the telephone (I was very excited to find it!) and this section also includes a found washer, attached and embellished with a little needle weaving (that's impossible for you to see). The crystal button is from the family button box and the distressed silver disk was from Kaite (I think). The letters directly below the crystal button spell "life"! They're attached to a stick pin I received in a swap and has been included, to remind all of us of the precious nature of life.
The metal button is from an old pair of Liz Clairborne jeans (circa 1980's I believe), the carved white button, an especially fine one from the family button box and the black/silver one is from my vintage collection. The small black nine is from one of the cell phones I dismantled earlier in the summer. I poked the number through a distressed washer, glued it down with E6000 glue and then found, to my dismay, that the rubbery nine started coming adrift. So, I did what any self respecting artist with a background in the needlearts would do, I stitched it down!!! Not the most tidy solution, but certainly effective!
A spring from a dried up pen and a little scissor charm show up in this section. The spring was stitched down with perle cotton, that had been strung with black beads. My intent was to have the beads move freely, however they're now crammed into that spring fairly tightly, so I'll try the interactive movement idea on a future bjp!
I love this piece!
When I feel that my brain is overstimulated and has been saturated with bright shots of colour, I sometimes find the need to let it rest with a calm, sophisticated pallette. Black white, grey and silver................ahhhhh!!! Call it a visual re-set button!!!! Do any of you experience this type of overload situation? If so, what do you do to rest your brain?
I used stacked, boucle/bocce and peyote stitch.
Don't worry! My retreat from colour will be short lived, as I have big plans for October. The only thing that's stopping me from getting started, is my search for the perfect "10".......................any ideas?