Now, don't ask me what I'm going to do with these, but they're the result of a play date with my friend, Deb. Eleven of the dominos were coloured with Tim Holtz, Adirondack, Alcohol Inks and three with Copic Markers (also alcohol based). The tree was drawn with a fine point, Sharpie marker. These inks are soooo easy to use. Honest! All you do is put a few drops of different coloured inks on the felt applicator and then dab them on the surface of the domino. Easy peasy, interesting effects and they dry really fast!!! Google Tim Holtz for how to use the inks and "altered dominos" for some eye candy! What a fabulous recycling idea for those lonely and abandoned game pieces!! I'm thinking pendants, pins and cabochons! What are you thinking?
Wow, I like that verry much! You can bild with them a bautiful hous or a nice floor and and and......! I like them.
Hadiah Schumacher
ah hah, now i understand, and they are quite unique. I agree - pendants, pins, cabochons, probably too heavy for earrings, how about handbag closure. T'riffic...k.
Glue them to a background and frame them. Instant abstract art. Fabulous and demensional.
Well I never! Did you have to gesso the dominoes first?
Well, when I saw them I thought "what's she gonna do with them"
Well, I have made domino pendants.
They are great to paste digital art to and turn into pendants. I like to bead embroider around them. One this is sure, you can find info on the web for lots of ideas.
Yours turned out beautifully! I have made them too. I have cut them in half with a hack saw and used a half in a beaded needle felted piece I made. The half size fit better on the small art work. I did peyote stitch around it to hold it on so didn't need to file the edges smooth but they can be easily filed and cleaned up.
Isn't playing fun!! Thanks for your comments and ideas......keep them coming!!
Penny, no gesso required! Just clean up the domino a little and then dab on the alcohol ink. It clings like magic! If you're planning on wearing them (perfumes & creams could affect the inks), finish with some workable fixative and then add the finish of your choice. I believe there are many choices, but I'll probably go the lazy route and just spray one on.
BTW, I used white/ivory coloured dominos. I don't think you would get the same effect with the black ones, but it would be interesting to try.
I read your post and was puzzling about trying that on black ones and I see you're thinking the same thing. I have a couple of alcohol ink bottles and I know I have some dominoes...somewhere. They're white tho'...IF I can lay my hands on them!
Go for it, MA! It's the white ones that I used. Don't forget to wear gloves and show photos. The ink is permanent!!
I love them just how they are. Fabulous colors. I agree with the "frame them as they are" post.
They look lovely, I think they could become a sculpture of some sort for the book shelf! Were they white when you started?
Thanks Rachel, I love them too, but I think they're telling me that they want to be something. I just don't know what!
Thanks also to iHanna. Yes, they were white to start with and I think a sculpture for the bookshelf is a very good idea. Perhaps I'll just make more and it can become an interactive sculpture.
Hi Anne-Marie, just found your blog via Penny Berens and I was delighted to read your banner with so many of the things I love listed! Loved your April post. As it happens I have some of these dominoes sitting looking at me, saying when is it going to be our turn? I am thinking cabochons just because I feel like doing a peyote bezel which always leads you somewhere else.
Robyn A,
Thanks and welcome! Isn't mixed media fun?
I'm sure that one of these domninos will find it's way into my bead journals. Just not sure which one and when!
~the possibilities are endless with these wonderful dominos...i think they would make a great art adventure with my littles...even just keeping it simple and playing with just colors matching...i l♥ve the colors swirling about almost reminds me of the sea...wonderful little pieces these are...much l♥ve and light shining brightly upon you~
Faerwillow, Thanks so much! You have such a poetic turn of phrase. It's really quite enchanting!
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