A somber pallette for me, but one that I feel is both classic and sophisticated. Of course, I just had to include some hand and free motion machine stitching, recycled fabrics, a little bit of acrylic paint and shiny, sparkly beads!

More detail from the bottom section.

I originally intended the piece to be just sky and land, but the tree was quite forward and demanded to become a focal part.
The rocks are hand ruched fabrics in silks, velvet, cotton and mixed fibres. The beading includes stacked and free-form filler stitches. The sky is strata pieced and has been accented with free-motion straight and zigzag stitches, machine couching and hand stitching. Acrylic paint was scraped on after the machine and before the hand stitching. The tree was a last minute addition and let me tell you, it's not easy free motion machine sketching a tree AFTER all the beading had been done! Needless to say, more beads were added to cover up the fact that the tree was floating in the air. Giggle!

"The Sentinel"
I spent an entire evening collaging little tiny pieces of Citra Solve, dissolved, National Geographic pages on to the unfinished pine shadow box. I started by wearing gloves, but when they started sticking to the piece, I ended up using my bare fingers to smooth it all down. Thank goodness for wet wipes and nail brushes! I'm happy with the results though, because I feel that the box actually looks like it's made out of marble.

Do you believe that I started this last Friday night and finished it on Sunday evening? Am I crazy, or what? Needless to say, no cleaning or cooking was done in my house last weekend!! The things I sacrifice for my art!