Wonderful holiday goodies from my friend Kaite in Australia! A very clever knitted basket that I absolutely adore, a couple of pieces of her natual dyed silk fabric and a mixed fibre/paper collage card. We keep the post office busy a couple of times a year, but this time my package was lost for a while. I had faith that it would turn up eventually. Although perhaps I should have kept quiet, because Kaite was thinking of starting another basket. Then I could have two!!! Hee, hee.... Kaite knit my colourful basket out of torn fabric strips. She also used bits of the original fabric on the card. Isn't that unique and amazing?
The 500 Baskets book is mine and highly recommended for anyone looking for a little artistic eye candy! I thought that it was an appropriate background for my gifts.
I've been working on my very late Receiver's Choice blocks for the Sparkly Chicken Yahoo group. I have three left to send. One is finished and waiting for a trip to the post office, a second is ready for embellishment/embroidery and the third is in the mental design stage (may the muse be good to me). All is good and I'm happy to have a little time to move this project along. Of course, I haven't even started on my January Bead Journal Project piece, but I'll worry about that when the RC blocks are done.
I know that I'm behind in posting the RC pieces that I've received, but I'll get around to that eventually. I've collected them all together and am just waiting for a nice, calm sunny and non-busy weekend to take some photos.
Oops! I just remembered that I forgot to include the calendar that Kaite sent . My apologies, Kaite! I'll make up for it the next time I take photos.