Saturday, April 3, 2010

Uh, oh!!!

Sigh! When I decided to post Part 1, 2, 3 and then a reveal, I should have started with the fourth post and then worked backwards. Otherwise the reveal shows before the 1st post....mumble, mumble....bad words! That will teach me to try to get fancy on my second day of blogging. LOL! Next time I will write in order, but save them as drafts. Then I'll be able to post in the order I would like you to view.


Karen S said...

yep --- that's how I do it.

-karen in wi who is easily confused said...

You will have to pace yourself.... or there will weeks where you have very little to post/show... due to real life (family, work, obligations) getting in the way!!!

Beth-Near Chicago

Anne Marie - Toronto said...

I know, Beth! I doubt that I'll post anything more this weekend. Well, perhaps if I do another monoprint. I'm also going out for a walk to enjoy some of this beautiful weather. If course, I'll bring along my trusty camera to see what I can see.