Welcome to my May exploration of colour, boundaries and emotions. Why did I pull out the red, black and white acrylic paint? What made me use those colours? How can I change the mood? What about adding lime green? A theme is born!
The paper bead has no real meaning except in a recycling sense. It was torn out of a damaged work of fiction, called "Everyman's Library", originally published in 1906. The author's name shows as Adam Bede by George Eliot. Curious! I think it cost me a buck at a church garage sale. It reeks of wood smoke, but the cover is a lovely red leather with gold stamped flowers. It's falling apart, but I love it and will recycle the components in future art pieces. The red disks and tarnished end cap (flower like, to the right of the paper bead) have also been repurposed.

Old buttons from the button jar and a single strawberry earring that mysteriously appeared in my jewelry box. If someone gave it to me, I'm sorry because I really don't remember where the heck it came from. But where is it's match? Another curious thing......

A small white stone that I was gifted at an artist lecture a couple of years ago (drilled so that it could be used as a bead). More paper beads (sliced and standing on end) and a never worn, right angle weave bracelet. I learned how to make the bracelet, made twenty or so and then decided to make a black one for myself. I got carried away and made it way too long. I wouldn't rip it out and couldn't throw it away! It sat in the jewelry box, mocking me! A reminder of techniques past.

Do you remember hooks and eyes on the back of your dresses? People must still use them, but this is an old one from the bottom of the sewing drawer.

More buttons, recycled necklace components and a vintage pair of embroidery scissors. Tarnished and dull, but still very beautiful. BTW, I couldn't bear to glue them down, so they're stitched on with embroidery thread.

A challenging task! The landscape was a stretch and I was a little uncomfortable with the colour pallette! I stared and puzzled and then let it sit until it started to talk! Eureka! The colours and lines reminded me of strong emotions and the Canadian prairies. Imagine a harsh landscape after the rain! It softens, just a little and if you pay attention, you will be able to see the echos of time, imprinted on the well ploughed fields. Memories, but not always pretty....
The focal started out as a house shape, but I decided it was too boxy. A little pencil play and the shape was reborn. I don't know what to call it! I think that it looks faintly oriental, but Kaite insists that it's a "pixie house". What do YOU think?
Acrylic paint monoprint, free motion machine embroidery, hand embroidery and heat distressed plastic wrap. Bead stitches - peyote, stacked stitch, back stitch, boucle/bocce stitch and couching. New and recycled beads and found objects. Shapes and sizes vary.
I just love your work. I look at it all the time. I love those shades of red and green. I love the hook and eye. Just lovely. Julie C
Thanks so much Julie! I checked out your blog and noticed that you're a charter member of the Robin Atkins school of improvisational bead embroidery. Very nice and colourful! Are you enjoying this year?
Beautiful and so inspiring! I saw the landscape right away and it gave me thoughts of winters on the fields in northern Wisconsin.
I have lots to say but that will have to wait a bit, because I have to go in a minute. Wanted you to know how much I love your Canadian prairie and your list of words. The house to me is like a "leaner" or "squasher"... an original homestead that is now abandonded and beginning to suffer the ravages of prairie winters (snow accumulation) and summers (beaching sun)... Just my first thought. But I like Kaite's idea too. Or, a Borrower's home (have you read that delightful tale?) with all the borrowed and repurposed objects surrounding it. OK.. gotta go... more later... Fabulous!!! Robin A.
Ohmygosh, all those gorgeous details. I just love your piece, and your style in general.
i just love this. there is so much interest, some little treasure hidden at every turn. i like the idea of a pixie house. i can also see the weathering, too. it's really just fabulous!
Fantabulous!! I must admit my first thought when I saw the house and read the story about the prairies was pretty much the same as Robin had - that of an old abandoned almost-falling-down house. I LOVE the embedded scissors!!
You've made another amazing piece! I'm enchanted by your collection of embellishments and the way you worked with the colors. It's inspiring!
Marty S
Crackpot Beader
it's still a pixie house but minus the door. Your paper beads are good, and i hadn't thought of cutting them down and placing them end-on, good one. The colours are original, fire on the snow perhaps. Oh and you found my strawberry earring, how did it end up in your jewellery box?
another amazing piece. Your pieces are just always beyond words. I show your site to people all the time.
Thats all I have. I'm a very chatty person, and I seriously am always just speachless when i look at your work.
WOW! There aren't words! I LOVE it!
Just looked at all the bjp pieces and I love all of them but this one I love the best as it has jauntiness about it that very appealing. Its almost like it is dancing off the edge of the page.
I really the serendipity nature of your bead embroidery and the way you seem to let your materials guide you through, rather than your head. I think the colours you choose this time really allowed that creative edge take you on a real of journey of experience which only revealed itself at the end- pretty amazing.
I'm lovin' everything about this piece!! The free form embroidery and beading is perfect! Just a great piece!!
Wow! that's the word that comes to my mouth.
I love following your BJP stories and all the details you share with all of us.
Thank you!
This is absolutely fabulous..
You are such an inspiration.
Thanks so much
This is really beautiful - awesome work and very inspiring. So generous of you to share your process.
Bravo, Anne marie! Wonderful beadwork! You write a wonderful blog as well. I knew you would be good at it!
When I look at the 'house' I see a sort of 'squished star'. This is incredible and I love your bravery in using diverse colors and so many wonderful components. Beautiful!
hmm I must admit my mind said "what" when I had the first peak, but then as I continued to look & read, I felt I was looking through a "window" inside the house. The interior tells me a story about all the bits & pieces of "recycled" materials...paper, scissors, etc.
AT first I wasn't real sure either about your colors, but I believe again they tell a story of the hard times living on the prairie. Not a colorful life, but in bits & pieces there is color that warms the heart, like the green & the red. The white & reminds me of "snow/lace", the grey/black is the quiet times, meant for rest.
Very beautiful piece, nicely done, I love your style of idea's.
i came across your work today for the first time after you left the link on the fibre arts and mixed media blog discussion.
i must say i absolutly love what i've found and would love to feature you on my 'inspired by' blog if you would be interested in answering a few of my questions on your work/techniques?
my email is: helenstead@live.co.uk
my blog: http://helena-rose.com
hope to hear from you!
A little house, full of remembering. I can definitely see a prairie out there with the scrub and maybe an old type wood pole fence. Love this piece, the colors are dramatic and draw you in and your story and thoughts leaves me looking at the photo again and again to see more. Love what you've done including the found/recycled elements. Beautiful work!
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