Looking back is always amusing! Please join me in checking out the final chapter in this little bit of nostalgia. The first six months of my 2008/2009 Bead Journal Project can be found here:March, 2009 - BJP:
The latest addition to my triangle pool is March. It's all about friends....new friends and old friends....
It started with another serendipity moment. I purchased a couple of books from my new friend,
Robin and then started experimenting with some of her stitch combinations. Of course, I liked them so much, that I decided to use them on my March piece. Isn't it lucky that I actually stitched them on a triangle? That started me on a search for complimentary embellishments! I found a bag of shells from my friend Wendy, some purple pearls for my older sister (it's her favourite colour), green beads for my younger one and the face from a play date with Cheryl & Deb. I grew up in Vancouver, B.C. and I love everything about the ocean. Granted, the shells would be different, but the feeling is exactly the same. I remember the sound of the waves, the smell of the sea, childhood memories, seaside adventures and the total feeling of calm that washes over me as I gaze out over my oldest friend.
April, 2009 - BJP:
It's April, it's spring and it's about time! My eyes are filled with the the fresh greens and acid yellows of my favourite season. It's all about hope, renewal, rejuvenation and the element of change. Time to watch the buds push their way out of the earth, the leaves unfurl and the grass turn green as the sun warms the earth. It's also time to put away all the heavy sweaters and take out the capris. Sure, it's not quite time for summer clothes, but at least we can start dreaming! Yes, it's also time for taxes up here in Canada. But that's another story! On a personal note, it's time for me to re-evaluate my priorites and to buckle down and work to my plan. Time flies, and I want to make sure that it doesn't pass me by.
May, 2009 - BJP:
May is, quite simply, cherry blossom time! I'm not really a pink person, but I confess to waiting anxiously for those very first blossoms. This piece is about the simple joy of nature and creation. Isn't it all amazing? No, the world is not full of light, but somehow this time of year reinforces my belief in the possibility of change. The background of the tree is a scrap of monoprinted satin that I made with transfer paints. I have a postcard from this material currently hanging in the Grand National Postcard Show at Joseph Schneider Haus in Kitchner, ON. (the show opened in May 2009). The tree is free motion embroidered by machine and the central motif is 1 1/2" X 2". The piece contains silk flowers, pearls, accent beads, 8, 11 & 15 seeds & #2 bugles. Stitches used are peyote, for the bezel, backstitch, stack stitch and free form edging.
I'd like to dedicate the pink light in this piece (okay it has some blue, red and orange as well) to Pam T. You are one courageous lady, and I'm honoured to be in the same BJP group.
Note the show is over and I wonder whatever happened to my postcard? Is it in the permanent collection or did it get sold to raise money for the museum? Perhaps, I will ask one day! June, 2009 - BJP:
I love to visit my friend's house when the poppies are in full bloom. Sure they are brash and blowsy, but oh so very delicate. I try to photograph the quality of the light glowing on the scarlet petals, but alas my quest is in vain. Am I tilting at windmills, or will I be able to capture their essense at some time in the future? What is it about these beauties that seems to pique my interest? A simple pleasure. One that's fleeting, but oh so rewarding. Is it any wonder that poppies were chosen as a universal symbol for remembrance? Did you know that the poem, "In Flanders Fields" was written by a Canadian field surgeon? Do you realize that this is the only poem I will never be able to forget? I can recite it just as clearly now, as when I was a small child. Rather than a trick of simple repetition, I prefer to think that it is something that left a pure and lasting impression on my soul.
Oops! It appears that I'm missing a hair! I found it in this photo. Don't worry, I'll clean that up the next time I pull out the camera...............July, 2009 - BJP:

This triangle shows my love of colour, flowers, techniques and combines them with a passion for photography . It's also about the paths you choose in life and illustrates that while some just seem to stop short, others are crystal clear and lead directly to your goals. Well, directly might be the wrong word, as nothing in life is ever perfect or straightforward. Paths often curve before they reach their destinations, leading you towards interesting sights, unforseen problems and exciting adventures. This little garden is all about life!
The seed beads are mainly size 11's, with some 15's and 8's thrown in for effect. I also used bugles (2's), pearls and crystals. Stitches include peyote, bocche (also called boucle - a stitch mentioned on another group), stacked, fringe, loops and Robin's wildflower stitch. The curved path is made of size 11 seed beads couched over a slightly flattened braid.
August, 2009 - BJP:
I couldn't finish the current BJP year, with anything other than the setting sun. It's my first attempt at visual journalling and also my first extensive use of encrusted bead embroidery. My skills have grown and I've learned to pay attention to the whispering words of my muse. I lost an old friend quite suddenly this month. She loved the sun and the black speck signifies her being enveloped by it's warmth. The original pallette was much softer, but as the temperature got hotter outside, so did the colours. Don't worry about the sun setting on this BJP year, as it's sure to rise again in 2010. I'd like to thank Robin for her constant encouragement and all of my new friends for their comments and enthusiasm. My plan is to enter this piece in a Canadian National Juried Quilt Show in 2010. Of course that means that I actually need to do some quilting to showcase the beading. LOL!
Bead stitches include the boucle or bocche stitch (discussed in my previous post), stacked stitch, short fringe (on the sun) and free form beading. I used 8, 11 & 15 Japanese beads and 11, 2cut czech beads for sparkle (the darker pink). Sadly, I just couldn't use my variety of odd beads on this one. They just didn't fit the scheme. See you in 2010!!
Update - The piece is still waiting to be mounted. I keep changing my mind on how I want to finish it. My active mind likes to create, but I often procrastinate on the finishing details. Any ideas for me? Any and all will be considered.....but only one will be chosen......LOL!I hope that you enjoyed this retrospective. If you're interested in learning more about the Bead Journal Project, please visit the website. I am continuing to plod along with my 2010 pieces. I admit that I am behind, but will get back on track after I clear a few projects from my plate. Keep tuned!