Well, I've done it!!! I completed my April BJP in April!!!! I actually finished it a week or so ago, but didn't like the photos from last week's session, so I had to wait until the time was right to take more. The first time, the vintage button and the section beside it, seemed to suck up all the light and showed as a black hole. As you can imagine, I wasn't all that pleased with the effect! Alas, there's still a little of that showing, but I had to give up on perfection for the sake of posting April in the correct month. Whew!
My inspiration for this piece was the wooden game piece (at least I think that's what it is) that arrived, out-of-the-blue, in my mailbox one day. It was a RAK (random act of kindness) from my internet friend Meri, over at the Cloth Paper Studios Yahoo group. Meri sent me a selection of numbers and characters + some other lovely stuff. This is a result of her studio reorganization efforts and I thank her for thinking of me, the inspiration and her gifts!

The remaining ingredients include a vintage glass button, a yellow button from the family button box, a rusty washer (dark section next to the buttons), aqua sequins, seed beads in various sizes, cubes, crystals, odd beads that I picked up here and there, a bit of coiled wire cut from the end of something and......
.......a small black and gold part from the inside of the cell phone I dismantled last month. I just can't let that interesting stuff go to waste!! I wonder what whispers of conversations, that little part holds in it's metal and plastic memories? Do you feel that I should explore this idea further in future posts?
Isn't that button fabulous??? What do you think of my colour scheme? I decided to include the dull yellow to compliment the wooden number. Did it work?
Stitches include stacked, fringe and boucle/bocce stitch.
A more casual shot! The colour is a little off, but some of the details are a little clearer. BTW, there's no red in that cell phone part, it's gold. I'll blame the angle of the sun!
I think that I spotted a few beaded pathways in this piece! If we follow them, I wonder where they will lead?
My friend Deb has a special birthday tomorrow, so I visited her yesterday to drop off this little brooch. I call it a "Party In A Brooch". Deb drives a lime green car and some of her favourite colours are lime green and orange. Do you wonder why I picked this particular colour scheme? The parrot is one of a pair of earrings that Deb gifted me with (from her stash) a year or so ago. She doesn't remember the earrings, but I certainly do! The other one is still sitting in my component box, patiently waiting to perch on the perfect project!!
Another piece that makes me smile!!! Happy blankety, blank birthday, my friend!!!!!
Acrylic painted peltex base, with just the right colour of red/orange button from the family button box, seeds, bugles and bits and pieces. This shape/size worked up fairly quickly so I'm sure that I'll make more of these in the future. It seems that I'm on a beading roll right now. I do hope that it lasts for a while!!!
Now if only I could find the perfect number "5" for May.............................the search continues...............