Bowls, bowls and more bowls. Do you think that I'm obsessing on the subject? Well, these are so much fun to do and it seems that I just can't stop. I actually have one more small one drying and then will leave them alone until I get a swap project finished. I prefer to left justify my text, but apparently blogger is not allowing me to do it right now, so I'll leave as is.
This blue/green bowl is a lovely, watery colour, but I confess that it's given me a lot of trouble. I had stitched some free motion trees on a strip of tulle and inserted it into the bowl. Well the glue medium I was using (wallpaper paste), gummed up the netting in random spots and the only way I could fix it was to cover it up with more tissue paper. You'll still be able to see shadows of the trees on the inside and I've left the outside as it, for now. However, I'm not happy about it! On top of all that, the bowl is a little top heavy and will not sit up straight on it's own. Not a huge problem, because I tried it with a votive inside and besides looking absolutely spectacular in the candle light, it helps to weigh down the bowl and hold it in place.

It seems that blogger is only going to let me type in HTML now, so my words will be short and sweet! You'll notice the shadows of the trees at the bottom (it was actually a much longer strip). They would have looked lovely, if only I could have figured out how to get the gummy paste out of the holes in the netting. Sigh!
This purple bowl was my first experiment with the wallpaper paste. I used plain crepe paper and the paste. It's perfectly lovely to work with and although I had intended the bowl to be a sample, I carried on and embellished it with purple, acrylic interference paint and simple lines of hand stitching. I think it works! What do you think? It certainly doesn't go in my living room, so I guess this bowl will be banished to the bedroom. LOL!
My favourite little bowl! Formed on the broad end of a wooden egg. Also, this is the first time I've added Washi Tape and a spritz of walnut ink. I didn't have any tiny eggs, but I think the stones look lovely in this little nest.
Three small bowls! The cream one mentioned above and two even smaller ones made on a petite metal bowl that I found on offer in the laundry room, yesterday morning. Yes, I will scrounge if and when I need to for my art. Wouldn't you? The bowls are purely decorative, with the small ones about the size of a tealight. Perfect place for a pair of earrings!
I have an overflowing box of Japanese paper scraps, so more bowls are in the cards for me in the future. Collage is so much fun!! It doesn't need to be bowls as tags, journals, cards, canvas and even bookmarks are fun to work on. Think of it as colouring with paper!!! Fancy papers, old wrapping paper, tissue, magazine pages, candy wrappers, lunch bags, security envelopes and junk mail all work. You may need wrinkle up some of the glossy and firmer papers to soften, but it's all good in the end. Try it, you'll like it!!
Ines for my latest obsession!