I had a dream, and when I woke up, all I could remember was the colour scheme of cinnamon and mustard. I'm not sure why my subconscious continued to dwell on those colours, but I just had to use them for my February Bead Journal. To be frank, it's not my favourite, but I think that it's important to stretch yourself, by sometimes working outside of your personal comfort zone.

This section contains a mustard coloured, embroidered disc (straight stitch, over plastic drapery ring), in honour of the closed, "serious embroidery" facebook group that I joined earlier this year. Also showing, is a bronze coloured screw eye from the stash (but it's almost buried.

I taught my first Altered Domino class at
BeadFX , at the beginning of February, and wasn't it lucky that I just happened to have a tiny domino bead that my sister had given me? The cinnamon colour on the domino and the mustard on the button, are both courtesy of Adirondack, Alcohol Inks. One of my favourite playthings!!!

February marks my first purchase of Tila beads (the three, square white/yellow beads. I've used a small screen (sent from my friend Kaite in Australia), which is now almost entirely hidden under the domino. Also included is a small slice of dyed silk cocoon. gifted to me, by my sister, last Christmas.
The leaf was traced from a brilliant red leaf, that I dried last fall. The elongated shape was enough of a departure from the others, that it almost doesn't fit in with the rest. Oh well, let's call it the misfit leaf!!!! LOL! February is actually my least favourite month of the year. It a constant reminder (thanks to growing up on the West Coast) that spring is showing up in other areas of the country, but not here in Ontario. We're still in the deep freeze! Sigh!
I really like those colours, we're just starting to go into Autumn here so i'm seeing a hint of them in the streets. Love your beading, so intense and the touch of thread embroidery is welcome.
Thanks, Kaite! I'm getting used to them, but March will definitely be brighter. Looking so forward to Spring here!
Such fun to see all that you pack into your bead projects. Thank goodness you give us clues.
Colors are great IMO.
I think the colors when combined make champagne!!!! I really must do something like this.... Oh where will I ever find the time!!! Maybe if the computer died and I was locked in the house I might find more time!!!
Thanks, Diane & Beth!
Diane, sometimes I need "clues" to remember what I put in them.
Beth, what a great comment regarding the "champagne". Now you have me looking at it in a whole new light! I think that you'd like bead embroidery, if you ever got around to trying it. You're good at weaving stories, so why not tell some with beads?
I'm with you in sharing a hearty dislike for February - I hate winter at the best of times, but February is just plain miserable. As always, your beaded treasures are just that - treasures.
Not my normal choice of colors, either, but I really like these. You put them together beautifully. I love the details - amazing.
Thanks, Ines! I'm curious! What are you planning for the watersoluble? I love it now for both hand and machine stitch. More experiments will follow in March, but first I have some beading to do.
I think those colors are great. Taken from nature, muted, love them. Really like your descriptions too, and I"ll have to investigate those new beads you have!
Thanks, MA, Sue and Rachel! February is now over and I plan on working with springy colours for March. At least that's what I think now. Of course there's a lot going on in March, so plans could change.
Rachel, I do like nature colours, but lean more towards the greens and blues.
Thanks for a grreat read
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