I just cannot throw out rayon thread ends!!! My colourful stash is decorative, yet still useful. I store it large glass jar on a shelf in my studio. What do you hoard? How do you store it? Are you in danger of being crushed by the weight of it all? Inquiring minds want to know!
I once saw an art piece that was completely painted in loose thread (sorry, I don't know the name of the artist). My creative mind imagines that she lays down a piece of watersoluble stabilizer and then covers her design with the thread. Another piece of WS stabilizer is placed gently on top and then it's pinned and stitched. I wish that I had taken a photograph. Sigh! I did try this once with less than successful results. Oh, there was nothing wrong with the piece, it was just a little bland. Perhaps it's because she uses thread straight off the spool and I was using my leftovers. Do you think it makes a difference?
Try using your threads for collage, fabric paper, inchies, twinchies, postcards, bookmarks or artist trading cards (ATC's). You could also decoupage them to something, embed them in acrylic or encaustic, or even make a threadlace scarf. I just love my stash and trash!!
If all fails and you're determined to throw out your threads, please remember the birds. They love to redecorate in the spring!!!
Hence your creativity. (And, yes, I really did use the word "hence"! lol)
I have so much *stuff* just taking up space that I tend to toss the threads and itty-bitty scraps. I know I should save these pieces but just don't know where I'd put it all. If I save it, though, I'd definitely have it if I ever need/want it. :)
That's okay, I've been known to use it too! I have lots of stuff too, but for me, it's quite the chore to pull out the larger pieces and cut them up into smaller ones for swaps and collage. It's better to save your tiny scraps in glass jars. You can stop saving, when your jar is full and start again when it's empty. Surely you could find room on your shelves for two little jars? One for threads and the other for teeny scraps. Medium sized scraps could be collected in a photo box which also fits quite nicely on a shelf.
Orts! That's a pile of orts!! I have NO idea where that word came from, but that's what I've seen those piles of snippets called. I have a huge container full of them, with the idea of 'doing something' one day.
But I think the varied thread ends would be beautiful with WS fabric...maybe you didn't embellish enough overtop of it?
Hey MA! I think that it was Nellie Durand from the EC's that called them "orts". She makes "ortwork" pieces.
i made a big beautiful heart from some of mine, embelished and stitched it then sent it to a lifelong friend who needed a bit of extra heart. somewhere on my blog. |<.
Rachel, the problem was that I layered mine on top of a piece of cotton fabric (and then topped with the WS). I should have just used the WS. I will try the technique again when I'm caught up with the BJP. I wanted light and airy but got something much heavier.
I have done this with two layers of water soluble fabric. if you pin it lots and then stitch it over heaps it is great. otherwise i have used visoflix on calico which yu then cover with the threads and another piece of visoflix and chiffon. iron the sandwich together and embellish. i will try and post a picture on my blog.
diane, New Zealand.
As far as putting out those loose threads for the birds to pretty their nest: a dove stopped by my house with with strings around his beak and half way down his throat.He was very weak and we tried to save him but it was too late. And also watch the threads on the floor, my crazy cat, Heidi, loves to also swallow them, One time I pulled out 2 feet of yarn out of her mouth. Luckily he lives with another one of his lives.
I too save rayon/any threads.You are right, too pretty to throw away and I use them when I am doing thread painting.
I am one of your followers now. I think your blog is so interesting..
Thanks and welcome aboard Maggie! I aim is to keep mixing it up and making it even more intersting in the future. Keep watching!!
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